Tag Archive for: data backup

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Find out why data backup is essential for your business and what your backup strategy should include.

A disaster recovery strategy is vital when running a business. This preemptive solution helps you cope with all sorts of catastrophes while reducing downtime.

You can never be too careful when you’re running a business. Whether you own a small startup or an established enterprise, you need reliable tools to assist your team in their daily pursuits. Unfortunately, information technology can be damaged easily, especially when exposed to today’s wide landscape of threats. A multitude of dangers are constantly swarming around your network, and not all are potential cyberattacks. Physical disasters can be just as devastating.

This blog shows you how to optimize your risk management strategy with backup software and disaster recovery support.

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery—What You Need to Know 

Many people put together a defense strategy without actually knowing what these two terms mean. Data backup and disaster recovery are completely different remedies that complement the perfect defensive mechanism. Here’s how they break down:

What Is Data Backup?

Data backup is a file-copying process. Data can be copied to many different platforms, including secondary computers and external hard drives. The most popular (and safest) backup procedure is a cloud backup. It places all your sensitive files within an easy-to-use internet dashboard, so if disaster does strike, all you have to do is log in and retrieve your most important information. 

With the right backup software, you’ll always have access to everything you need. This ensures you never lose anything of value, even when disaster presents itself. For the safest measures, you’ll want to partner with a managed security provider (MSP) that can back up your data automatically and regularly.

What Is Disaster Recovery Support? 

Disaster recovery complements the work of your data backup software. No business deserves to go through a rebuilding process against its will, but sometimes disaster strikes no matter how prepared a company is. Whether it’s a cyber or physical issue, downtime might be necessary just to get things running again. Disaster recovery can help expedite this process. This preemptive solution allows businesses to restore their most important data quickly and efficiently. So even if your firmware does take a hit, you’ll be able to recover your files and pick up with business when everything stabilizes. 

And when you have an experienced managed security professional in your corner, you’ll be able to take advantage of a robust collection of benefits, including:

  • 24/7 on-call support
  • Flexible cloud management programs
  • Redundant backups
  • Offsite storage space

With disaster recovery support, you’ll be able to have peace of mind knowing you’ll always have access to your most valuable information in its most relevant form. 

Stay Ahead With CTMS

Whether it’s disaster recovery, data backup, or any other form of cybersecurity, the experts at CTMS are the best team to have in your corner. We’ll be there to help restore your data and create a backup strategy that allows you to keep your most valuable assets safe. 

Start taking advantage of the best data security solutions from the premier managed service providers in Ohio. Why wait for disaster to occur before you start taking action? 

Contact us today to set up your [free IT evaluation] with a certified professional!

Data backup solutions are among the most necessary components of an IT strategy for a business, nonprofit, or any other organization. From business continuity to risk mitigation, a comprehensive backup strategy is what keeps an operation…well, operational. 

In this piece, we cover some of the basics, from the reasons that backups are so crucial to some of the ways you, your internal staff, or your outsourced provider can keep your systems working in any scenario.

Why Backup Your Data?

Audits and Taxes

A government agency comes knocking and you don’t have what they’re looking for…what are you supposed to do? This situation can be easily avoided if you take data backup seriously in advance of any audit situation. No one can predict exactly when Uncle Sam will stop by for a visit, but you can certainly be prepared.

Safety and Compliance

Many industries have strict regulatory frameworks that require data backup solutions. This offers two fairly obvious motivations for backing up your data. First, you could be at legal risk if your data is not secured properly. Whether you are working in healthcare or any other industry, you need to verify that your firm is meeting legal standards. Second, data backup and security allows you to keep doing business effectively. If you somehow lose critical records, how are you supposed to do business?

Business Continuity

Whether you are simply trying to reduce downtime and enhance productivity or are hoping to mitigate the dangers of a disaster situation (just take a look at the recent earthquakes in California), data backup keeps your organization functional. There are countless threats out there, but by backing up your data—or ensuring that your current provider is already doing so—you don’t have to worry. Peace of mind can go a long way toward helping you achieve your mission.

A Variety of Data Backup and Recovery Services 

On-Premises Backup

Whether you have one location or several, a dedicated IT infrastructure system can be built to house a complete backup of your systems and data. While this doesn’t mitigate all risk, it ensures all of your eggs aren’t in a single basket. Also, an onsite solution is easily accessible for both use and maintenance. The advantage here is the control you get keeping from your systems close to home.

Public and Private Cloud

The best cloud data backup service is one that is properly set up from the get-go. There are a number of public options—from Amazon Web Services to Microsoft Azure—and private cloud solutions that can be set up by your managed service provider. Which solution is best for you depends on the needs of your organization and the regulatory standards that must be met for your industry, but the cloud can be a great solution that lets your system be restored from anywhere to anywhere.

This list of reasons and solutions is by no means exhaustive, but it should give you a starting point when you’re considering a backup solution. Whether you work with an online data backup company or work with your service provider to create a physical, onsite system, it’s critical that it is working properly before you need it. 

Computer Technology Management Service (CTMS) is a data backup service provider that can find the best solution for your organization. Get in touch if you’d like to learn more.